Mary Mika from Alaska was sixty miles from home on a 3-day vacation trip when she saw a lost pet flier at a gas station. Locals said a small white dog had been running loose in the area for over three years, now facing a fourth winter outdoors. Nicknamed “Ghost Dog,” it ran away from eye contact and no one could get close. A bar put out leftover food at night and kibble was stolen from the bowl of a dog that was fed outside. Though mostly solitary, it was seen with two bigger dogs with no known owners. The dog often rested at a bridge near the railroad tracks and also under a mobile home used as an office for a labor business. Mary had to go home but intended to return and catch the dog before harsh weather set in. She found my website and emailed for advice. We discussed strategic places to set up cage traps and how to make them enticing. Already scouted, the bridge and mobile office locations were ideal. After carefully prepping both traps, she camped out in her vehicle to watch over the bridge site. It was a long and bitterly cold Friday night. Saturday hours continued to pass with no success. The only excitement the entire time was that Mary almost got hit by a train. She reluctantly went home early that evening. Sleep proved elusive as she kept thinking about the dog left behind and the inviting, but empty, traps. Early Sunday morning her phone rang. The business owners called to say the dog was caught in the trap under their office. Mary was estatic and quickly rushed out the door. This time the long drive was a joy to make.
This story has a twist. The posted flier was for a 5lb female Pomeranian and Mary had caught a male American Eskimo mix. “Ghost Dog” had a very tight collar, no tags, and no microchip. A visit to the veterinarian found evidence of old injuries to his ribs and mandible. Mary brought it home to a nurturing setting, bonding soon began, and her existing pack adjusted to add a new member. Chosen with respect, the dog was given the name “Grayson.” To update my Happy Endings, I called Mary in February of 2014 to refine the details on my report. She happened to mention Grayson likes to sleep in bed atop her head. Years ago my terrier mix “Angie” used to adorn my head like a furry hat. Remembering makes me smile. Mary is an awesome woman with a big heart who continues to reach out and make a difference. Thank you with hugs from afar. Debbie/LostDogSearch