Tia's Story
This site is in memory of "Tia."

Tia was a Border Collie that authorities pulled from a home due to inhumane living conditions. A senior lady of gentle disposition, yet afraid of people because she was never socialized. Numerous hands reached out to comfort Tia while working to secure her a better life with a loving family. Upon arrival at a foster home, she was confused by unfamiliar surroundings, slipped her lead, and ran into the woods. She remained elusive despite an extensive search effort that involved a multitude of caring volunteers. On March 22, 2001, nineteen days after she bolted, Tia’s body was found in a small vernal pool – she had fallen through the ice. Though still mourned, it’s important that Tia be remembered more for what she accomplished, instead of dwelling on the future she was denied. She showed how easy it is for a dog to get lost, how well one can hide, and why experienced searchers need to help others be more successful. Tia was responsible for effecting immediate changes to search procedures so that old standards had more emphasis on details, and new ideas were explored. The ripple effect of Tia’s harsh ordeal means that countless lost dogs have since been found safely and the ever-growing number of “happy ending stories” makes up for the one we envisioned she would have. Now, Tia is free to stretch her legs, frolic with abandon, and sleep in the embrace of a warm and gentle sun. From the bottom of our hearts, we say to her, Thank You dear Tia.