"On the tail of lost dogs since 2001"
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Lost dog searchers are under an enormous amount of stress and tend to forget advice, ignore suggestions, and waste precious time. Print a hard copy of the “Lost Dogs” documents (you will need Acrobat Reader) and please read through each one carefully, attention to small details can make a big difference.
Based in southeastern Massachusetts, LostDogSearch is a one-person volunteer operation that provides information, guidance, and support through this website, emails, and by phone. Monetary donations are not solicited nor expected. If you have questions, please email me at [email protected].

The world of rescue would not exist, nor fare so well, without the ongoing efforts of compassionate and dedicated people who give so much of themselves to this mission. My deep thanks and gratitude to you all.
Debbie Scarpellini
With Gratitude
Dogs are exceptionally resourceful and deserve credit for everything they’ve taught me through the years. Due credit also goes to Animal Control and Humane Officers, Animal Rescue League of Boston, rescue groups, shelter workers and volunteers, and last, but not least, the families of lost dogs. Their combined knowledge, advice, and tips have been of immense help throughout the years. A sincere thanks to countless volunteers across the country (and beyond) who manage sites where vital information about lost pets is readily accessible to the public, benefiting both the pet and its human family.
Hugs to Emily Rogeness for the ongoing education about our canine friends and convincing me that LostDogSearch could make a difference. Your encouragement and belief in my skills was a huge boost for my positive attitude – a much-needed attribute for searchers. On behalf of all the lost dogs reunited with their humans, our deepest gratitude. Emily’s experience with handling all aspects of rescue operations made her no stranger to working long hours without regard to clock or calendar. Her insights and expertise have been extraordinarily helpful through the years. Emily’s gift has always been to be able to reach out to grant a “forgotten” dog’s wish to be wanted, needed, and loved unconditionally. She sees what others do not.
I’m forever grateful to Diane McClure for securing the initial startup website, which I named LostDogSearch. Instead of long emails with suggestions on what to do, my site became a platform for “how-to” documents to better serve those needing advice. Deciding something good must come out of her own lost dog ordeal, Diane created opportunities and developed programs to benefit canines and people. I was very fortunate to meet this awesome lady with a “can-do” attitude. Forever, with “Rumble” in our hearts.
Sincere thanks to Lisa Westwell for sixteen years of professional web designer skills and generous donations of time. Lisa volunteered significant hours to rescue, had personal experiences helping lost dogs, and always made a special effort to ensure happy endings. Good luck in your new ventures!
Welcoming thanks and appreciation to Kathy of Kathy Mackey Web Design (www.kathymackey.com) for accepting me as a new client and tackling my website’s update. Special thanks for your ongoing patience while I edited my site’s content!