It was early June 2020 when a neighboring town’s ACO reached out. ACO Eaton had called me in the past when dealing with dogs that proved difficult to catch. Like everyone else at the Attleboro Shelter, she’s professional, caring, and always a pleasure to work with. This time, a vet tech who lives out of state but volunteers at the shelter needs guidance. A small dog is wandering through her neighborhood and rooting through trash. No one knows where it came from and there is concern for its welfare as it crosses busy streets. Shady safe places to rest are few, and there’s no obvious sources of fresh food and water. Shelters and Vets had no reports of a lost dog fitting the description and no fliers were posted. It was time to act. Liz and I talked about specific spots that might work favorably to set up and monitor a cage trap. We discussed methods I’ve found that help lure and catch a dog more easily. Bowls of clean water are very important, especially when temperatures rise. Fresh water and food tidbits can help motivate a dog to repeatedly return to a spot that is easy for you to access and maintain. After careful consideration, Liz set up the cage in the side yard of her parent’s house. The site wasn’t far from her own place and could be monitored constantly. The trap was readied and set up on the night of June 21st. The dog was safely caught inside by 6AM the next morning. She had a medical exam and tested positive for Lyme disease but was otherwise healthy.
Fast forward and ”Bindi” adjusts to her new life with Liz and “Ben,” an older male Dachshund. A spay date was set but Liz had a suspicion that Bindi’s fullness might result from something other than good nutrition. Lo and behold, a medical check reveals Bindi is going to have a litter, and SOON! On August 17th four sweet puppies are born and loving homes found for all. Thanks go out to Liz for caring and being determined to help a “stray” dog. You’re awesome!